donderdag 11 maart 2010

Blog 4: Microfinance: business women investing in women in the developing world

Microfinance: business women investing in women in the developing world

When I saw this article, I thought it fitted perfectly in the theme of investing and investment. In this article, they describe people who think about other people, what is good for them. This kind of investment creates new money for the poorer ones in the society. Microfinance is a nice initiative that helps a lot of people in third world countries. This project will help a lot of people, with definitely the poor women in Africa.

With these initiatives they give a lot of the less fortunate people the opportunity to unfold themselves. This way, the people in third world countries can learn to lead a company or another project. They too can make some goods/product. Microfinance helps them to make people in Africa self-employed and learn how to work with money. When Africa and its countries grow, it will have a great response that’s fantastic for the whole world because it needs to fight as one team against topics such as the environment.

I think it is a great idea, business women invest in poor women to make their life better. A direct result is that they can give their children a better education. It’s also a better way to learn things than when they receive money without having to pay it back. Now they learn to work with money and it gives them responsibility.

On the other hand, I think that the government of poor countries needs to invest more money in education. That way the developed countries are able to grow more rapidly. Unfortunately the children with competence, who are living in these countries, don't have the opportunity to grow.

Maybe in the future it's possible that women give their knowledge to their own children so the third world gets better infrastructure, better housing, ...

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Gert,
    You're completely right when you say that there's no use in giving money without actually 'teaching' something about leading a company and so on. A simple example: if we want to help the third world countries by giving them a better water supply, we shouldn't just give them money to buy some water pumps and water pipes and then leave them alone. Instead, we should explain them how everything works, how they can buy tools, how they can take care of it in the future when there's a leakage or another problem with the pipes.
    Thus, it's very good that business women want to invest in poor women, and teach them something more about finances and leading companies. By doing this, third world countries will be able to develop themselves, instead of relying on the West and being stuck in their problems.

  2. Dear Gert

    According to me, a microfinance is an initiative investment to rebuild the world.
    So first, I would like to say that this method of investment is a solution to decrease the poverty on world scale, giving every human on earth an average income. If the richest man should invest in the poorest, we all have the ability to become equal. It think that this sort of investments will improve our quality of life. This equality is one of my dreams because it has a lot of advantages, for example, there will be less discrimination and people will stop with nagging about each other.

    But to start with this, it is necessary to improve the quality of life in development countries, like Zimbabwe for example where the women are still dominated by their husbands.

    Secondly, we can also improve a country by giving these countries a good education system so that they can rebuild on their own force. So that these countries can manage their own products on the market without having other countries to do this. Knowing the value of money and to work with it, is one of the topics to rebuild a country, the inhabitants need to understand what they are managing.

    The result of such an investment can also be profitable for the children of the women. Now she can learn to her children how to manage money. So children will be more educated.

    But there is definitely an obstacle what’s called the government. The government don’t want to support their country evidently. So they need to be an influence of external sources who can convince these governments, but the question still remains who shall do this?
    Despite, these question will always stay unanswered.

  3. Gert,

    I fully agree with you. By giving women a micro credit investors gave these women a chance to build on their own company. In these countries women are often at home to take care for their children. They can work at home on their business on the other hand the can keep continuing looking for their children. This has also a positive consequence for the children, they can learn it when they grow up and when they are old enough they can also start their own business.

    When there are a lot of small business in a country the country it self's gets also better of it because when people can produce their own goods. When they have produced to many goods they can sell them to other people and buy with the receiving money other products. This is the start of a economic business.

    We should stimulate these investors and forcing them to give more of these micro credits. It will help poverty out of the world and bring welfare to everybody. Although that may be an illusion.
