donderdag 8 april 2010

Blog 8: "China steams ahead on clean energy"

China steams ahead on clean energy

For my last blog I want to write something about renewable energy. So I have been searching an article on the internet about this subject because I want to make my blogging complete by writing about one of the most important investments of the moment.

The reason why I want to write something about this, is because in my opinion we need to close all the nuclear plants in the world as soon as possible. The nuclear plants are destroying a lot of lives. With wind turbine for example you can also make energy without too much bad emission. This way, there won’t a second calamity as happened in Tsjernobyl.

When we build more wind turbine plants in the ocean there won’t be the problem as in Doel(nuclear plant) anymore, where the whole city(country) is afraid that there will be a calamity. Our planet also has a huge amount of oceans and seas, where we can put our wind turbines, so this can’t be a problem anymore.

Another solution is solar energy, which has given us a solution to make our own energy. For me, this is another very good option. This product can also produce energy when there is only light, so you have a whole year of energy for a cheaper price, than when you use energy from a nuclear plant.

There are so many solutions to supply the world with renewable energy. For companies there is also a new social aim: not only do they make profit, they also think about the environment.

Now something about the article that I have found. The article shows the countries which invest the most money in clean energy. The top two investors in clean energy are of course the biggest countries of the world. The first is the fastest growing country of the world in the last ten years by my opinion, China, where they can develop a lot of energy. In China, they can build a lot of new wind turbines and I think that they have a lot of money to build clean energy plants. The second country, USA, has surprised me because I always thought that USA was the biggest CO² emission country in the world. I’m happy that this country invests in projects like this because this way we can make the world a healthier place. China invested for $34.6 billion euro in clean energy in 2009. When we compare the two, USA invested less than China, but they are still good for an amount of $18.6 billion euro.

One of the important reasons, as a country, to invest in renewable energy is of course: "They know that investing in clean energy can renew manufacturing bases, and create export opportunities, jobs and businesses."

On the other hand when we look at the fast growers, we see that South Korea has scored fantastic. They have grown for more than 249% whereas China grows 79%. I think maybe when countries make a deal to give an award to the country who invests the most money in this business maybe they will invest more than they do now.

So if a little bit of support can save the world, I hope that countries do an initiative as this. I do hope that companies invest as fast as possible to less their CO² emission and in cars who have less CO² emission. Just because our children will not be the victim of our ample desires.


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