donderdag 18 februari 2010

blog 1: Gimv stopped her investment in Option

Gimv stopped her investment in Option

This week, in our lesson of English, we received a writing task over a period of 8 weeks, where we have to write a blog. I have never written a blog before, so firstly I hope I understand the purpose of a blog. We chose the topic “investment”, because it is an interesting topic which can learn you a lot, and you get to know more about economical news.

On Saturday, I was searching on a site to find something about investors or something like that. The first thing I found was about Deloitte, who wants to innovate. If they want to innovate, the first thing they do is investing in a new strategy and new products.
After this, I found something about Gimv, who stopped an investment in Option. Gimv is a European investment company with experience in private equity and venture capital. Option wireless Technology is an innovator of wireless GPRS/GSM communication solutions, which has built up an enviable reputation. Gimv has stopped his investment in option in January 2010, because they haven’t got a lot of involvement and participation in the company. The reason why Gimv couldn’t introduce new strategies, even with an investment of 2.5 million euro, is because Option is becoming a big company with a large reputation all over the world.

My opinion on this is, that it’s normal that Gimv stops investing. The reason for this is, that Gimv normally only invests in projects of small companies. Gimv undertakes buyouts and provides growth capital to established companies. Option is now a large company, so the 2.5 million euro is a small amount in the capital of this company.


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